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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* 
00002    Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1996
00003    Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1996
00005    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00006    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00007    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00008    (at your option) any later version.
00010    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013    GNU General Public License for more details.
00015    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00017    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 */
00020 #include "rsync.h"
00021 #include "zlib/zlib.h"
00023 extern int do_compression;
00024 static int compression_level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
00026 /* determine the compression level based on a wildcard filename list */
00027 void set_compression(char *fname)
00028 {
00029         extern int module_id;
00030         char *dont;
00031         char *tok;
00033         if (!do_compression) return;
00035         compression_level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
00036         dont = lp_dont_compress(module_id);
00038         if (!dont || !*dont) return;
00040         if ((dont[0] == '*') && (!dont[1])) {
00041                 /* an optimization to skip the rest of this routine */
00042                 compression_level = 0;
00043                 return;
00044         }
00046         dont = strdup(dont);
00047         fname = strdup(fname);
00048         if (!dont || !fname) return;
00050         strlower(dont);
00051         strlower(fname);
00053         for (tok=strtok(dont," ");tok;tok=strtok(NULL," ")) {
00054                 if (fnmatch(tok, fname, 0) == 0) {
00055                         compression_level = 0;
00056                         break;
00057                 }
00058         }
00059         free(dont);
00060         free(fname);
00061 }
00063 /* non-compressing recv token */
00064 static int simple_recv_token(int f,char **data)
00065 {
00066         static int residue;
00067         static char *buf;
00068         int n;
00070         if (!buf) {
00071                 buf = (char *)malloc(CHUNK_SIZE);
00072                 if (!buf) out_of_memory("simple_recv_token");
00073         }
00075         if (residue == 0) {
00076                 int i = read_int(f);
00077                 if (i <= 0) return i;
00078                 residue = i;
00079         }
00081         *data = buf;
00082         n = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE,residue);
00083         residue -= n;
00084         read_buf(f,buf,n);
00085         return n;
00086 }
00089 /* non-compressing send token */
00090 static void simple_send_token(int f,int token,
00091                               struct map_struct *buf,OFF_T offset,int n)
00092 {
00093         extern int write_batch; /* dw */
00094         int hold_int; /* dw */
00096         if (n > 0) {
00097                 int l = 0;
00098                 while (l < n) {
00099                         int n1 = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE,n-l);
00100                         write_int(f,n1);
00101                         write_buf(f,map_ptr(buf,offset+l,n1),n1);
00102                         if (write_batch) {
00103                             write_batch_delta_file( (char *) &n1, sizeof(int) );
00104                             write_batch_delta_file(map_ptr(buf,offset+l,n1),n1);
00105                         }
00106                         l += n1;
00107                 }
00108         }
00109         /* a -2 token means to send data only and no token */
00110         if (token != -2) {
00111                 write_int(f,-(token+1));
00112                 if (write_batch) {
00113                     hold_int = -(token+1);
00114                     write_batch_delta_file( (char *) &hold_int, sizeof(int) );
00115                 }
00116         }
00117 }
00120 /* Flag bytes in compressed stream are encoded as follows: */
00121 #define END_FLAG        0       /* that's all folks */
00122 #define TOKEN_LONG      0x20    /* followed by 32-bit token number */
00123 #define TOKENRUN_LONG   0x21    /* ditto with 16-bit run count */
00124 #define DEFLATED_DATA   0x40    /* + 6-bit high len, then low len byte */
00125 #define TOKEN_REL       0x80    /* + 6-bit relative token number */
00126 #define TOKENRUN_REL    0xc0    /* ditto with 16-bit run count */
00128 #define MAX_DATA_COUNT  16383   /* fit 14 bit count into 2 bytes with flags */
00130 /* For coding runs of tokens */
00131 static int last_token = -1;
00132 static int run_start;
00133 static int last_run_end;
00135 /* Deflation state */
00136 static z_stream tx_strm;
00138 /* Output buffer */
00139 static char *obuf;
00141 /* Send a deflated token */
00142 static void
00143 send_deflated_token(int f, int token,
00144                     struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset, int nb, int toklen)
00145 {
00146         int n, r;
00147         static int init_done, flush_pending;
00148         extern int write_batch;  /* dw */
00149         char temp_byte;   /* dw */
00151         if (last_token == -1) {
00152                 /* initialization */
00153                 if (!init_done) {
00154                         tx_strm.next_in = NULL;
00155                         tx_strm.zalloc = NULL;
00156                         tx_strm.zfree = NULL;
00157                         if (deflateInit2(&tx_strm, compression_level,
00158                                          Z_DEFLATED, -15, 8,
00159                                          Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) != Z_OK) {
00160                                 rprintf(FERROR, "compression init failed\n");
00161                                 exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00162                         }
00163                         if ((obuf = malloc(MAX_DATA_COUNT+2)) == NULL)
00164                                 out_of_memory("send_deflated_token");
00165                         init_done = 1;
00166                 } else
00167                         deflateReset(&tx_strm);
00168                 last_run_end = 0;
00169                 run_start = token;
00170                 flush_pending = 0;
00172         } else if (last_token == -2) {
00173                 run_start = token;
00175         } else if (nb != 0 || token != last_token + 1
00176                    || token >= run_start + 65536) {
00177                 /* output previous run */
00178                 r = run_start - last_run_end;
00179                 n = last_token - run_start;
00180                 if (r >= 0 && r <= 63) {
00181                         write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_REL: TOKENRUN_REL) + r);
00182                         if (write_batch) { /* dw */
00183                             temp_byte = (char)( (n==0? TOKEN_REL: TOKENRUN_REL) + r);
00184                             write_batch_delta_file(&temp_byte,sizeof(char));
00185                         }
00186                 } else {
00187                         write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_LONG: TOKENRUN_LONG));
00188                         write_int(f, run_start);
00189                         if (write_batch) { /* dw */
00190                             temp_byte = (char)(n==0? TOKEN_LONG: TOKENRUN_LONG);
00191                             write_batch_delta_file(&temp_byte,sizeof(temp_byte));
00192                             write_batch_delta_file((char *)&run_start,sizeof(run_start));
00193                         }
00194                 }
00195                 if (n != 0) {
00196                         write_byte(f, n);
00197                         write_byte(f, n >> 8);
00198                         if (write_batch) { /* dw */
00199                             write_batch_delta_file((char *)&n,sizeof(char));
00200                             temp_byte = (char) n >> 8;
00201                             write_batch_delta_file(&temp_byte,sizeof(temp_byte));
00202                         }
00203                 }
00204                 last_run_end = last_token;
00205                 run_start = token;
00206         }
00208         last_token = token;
00210         if (nb != 0 || flush_pending) {
00211                 /* deflate the data starting at offset */
00212                 int flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;
00213                 tx_strm.avail_in = 0;
00214                 tx_strm.avail_out = 0;
00215                 do {
00216                         if (tx_strm.avail_in == 0 && nb != 0) {
00217                                 /* give it some more input */
00218                                 n = MIN(nb, CHUNK_SIZE);
00219                                 tx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)
00220                                         map_ptr(buf, offset, n);
00221                                 tx_strm.avail_in = n;
00222                                 nb -= n;
00223                                 offset += n;
00224                         }
00225                         if (tx_strm.avail_out == 0) {
00226                                 tx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)(obuf + 2);
00227                                 tx_strm.avail_out = MAX_DATA_COUNT;
00228                                 if (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) {
00229                                         /*
00230                                          * We left the last 4 bytes in the
00231                                          * buffer, in case they are the
00232                                          * last 4.  Move them to the front.
00233                                          */
00234                                         memcpy(tx_strm.next_out,
00235                                                obuf+MAX_DATA_COUNT-2, 4);
00236                                         tx_strm.next_out += 4;
00237                                         tx_strm.avail_out -= 4;
00238                                 }
00239                         }
00240                         if (nb == 0 && token != -2)
00241                                 flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH;
00242                         r = deflate(&tx_strm, flush);
00243                         if (r != Z_OK) {
00244                                 rprintf(FERROR, "deflate returned %d\n", r);
00245                                 exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00246                         }
00247                         if (nb == 0 || tx_strm.avail_out == 0) {
00248                                 n = MAX_DATA_COUNT - tx_strm.avail_out;
00249                                 if (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) {
00250                                         /*
00251                                          * We have to trim off the last 4
00252                                          * bytes of output when flushing
00253                                          * (they are just 0, 0, ff, ff).
00254                                          */
00255                                         n -= 4;
00256                                 }
00257                                 if (n > 0) {
00258                                         obuf[0] = DEFLATED_DATA + (n >> 8);
00259                                         obuf[1] = n;
00260                                         write_buf(f, obuf, n+2);
00261                                         if (write_batch) /* dw */
00262                                             write_batch_delta_file(obuf,n+2);
00263                                 }
00264                         }
00265                 } while (nb != 0 || tx_strm.avail_out == 0);
00266                 flush_pending = token == -2;
00267         }
00269         if (token == -1) {
00270                 /* end of file - clean up */
00271                 write_byte(f, END_FLAG);
00272                 if (write_batch) { /* dw */
00273                     temp_byte = END_FLAG;
00274                     write_batch_delta_file((char *)&temp_byte,sizeof(temp_byte));
00275                 }
00277         } else if (token != -2) {
00278                 /* add the data in the current block to the compressor's
00279                    history and hash table */
00280                 tx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *) map_ptr(buf, offset, toklen);
00281                 tx_strm.avail_in = toklen;
00282                 tx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *) obuf;
00283                 tx_strm.avail_out = MAX_DATA_COUNT;
00284                 r = deflate(&tx_strm, Z_INSERT_ONLY);
00285                 if (r != Z_OK || tx_strm.avail_in != 0) {
00286                         rprintf(FERROR, "deflate on token returned %d (%d bytes left)\n",
00287                                 r, tx_strm.avail_in);
00288                         exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00289                 }
00290         }
00291 }
00294 /* tells us what the receiver is in the middle of doing */
00295 static enum { r_init, r_idle, r_running, r_inflating, r_inflated } recv_state;
00297 /* for inflating stuff */
00298 static z_stream rx_strm;
00299 static char *cbuf;
00300 static char *dbuf;
00302 /* for decoding runs of tokens */
00303 static int rx_token;
00304 static int rx_run;
00306 /* Receive a deflated token and inflate it */
00307 static int
00308 recv_deflated_token(int f, char **data)
00309 {
00310         int n, r, flag;
00311         static int init_done;
00312         static int saved_flag;
00314         for (;;) {
00315                 switch (recv_state) {
00316                 case r_init:
00317                         if (!init_done) {
00318                                 rx_strm.next_out = NULL;
00319                                 rx_strm.zalloc = NULL;
00320                                 rx_strm.zfree = NULL;
00321                                 if (inflateInit2(&rx_strm, -15) != Z_OK) {
00322                                         rprintf(FERROR, "inflate init failed\n");
00323                                         exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00324                                 }
00325                                 if ((cbuf = malloc(MAX_DATA_COUNT)) == NULL
00326                                     || (dbuf = malloc(CHUNK_SIZE)) == NULL)
00327                                         out_of_memory("recv_deflated_token");
00328                                 init_done = 1;
00329                         } else {
00330                                 inflateReset(&rx_strm);
00331                         }
00332                         recv_state = r_idle;
00333                         rx_token = 0;
00334                         break;
00336                 case r_idle:
00337                 case r_inflated:
00338                         if (saved_flag) {
00339                                 flag = saved_flag & 0xff;
00340                                 saved_flag = 0;
00341                         } else
00342                                 flag = read_byte(f);
00343                         if ((flag & 0xC0) == DEFLATED_DATA) {
00344                                 n = ((flag & 0x3f) << 8) + read_byte(f);
00345                                 read_buf(f, cbuf, n);
00346                                 rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)cbuf;
00347                                 rx_strm.avail_in = n;
00348                                 recv_state = r_inflating;
00349                                 break;
00350                         }
00351                         if (recv_state == r_inflated) {
00352                                 /* check previous inflated stuff ended correctly */
00353                                 rx_strm.avail_in = 0;
00354                                 rx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)dbuf;
00355                                 rx_strm.avail_out = CHUNK_SIZE;
00356                                 r = inflate(&rx_strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
00357                                 n = CHUNK_SIZE - rx_strm.avail_out;
00358                                 /*
00359                                  * Z_BUF_ERROR just means no progress was
00360                                  * made, i.e. the decompressor didn't have
00361                                  * any pending output for us.
00362                                  */
00363                                 if (r != Z_OK && r != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
00364                                         rprintf(FERROR, "inflate flush returned %d (%d bytes)\n",
00365                                                 r, n);
00366                                         exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00367                                 }
00368                                 if (n != 0 && r != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
00369                                         /* have to return some more data and
00370                                            save the flag for later. */
00371                                         saved_flag = flag + 0x10000;
00372                                         *data = dbuf;
00373                                         return n;
00374                                 }
00375                                 /*
00376                                  * At this point the decompressor should
00377                                  * be expecting to see the 0, 0, ff, ff bytes.
00378                                  */
00379                                 if (!inflateSyncPoint(&rx_strm)) {
00380                                         rprintf(FERROR, "decompressor lost sync!\n");
00381                                         exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00382                                 }
00383                                 rx_strm.avail_in = 4;
00384                                 rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)cbuf;
00385                                 cbuf[0] = cbuf[1] = 0;
00386                                 cbuf[2] = cbuf[3] = 0xff;
00387                                 inflate(&rx_strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
00388                                 recv_state = r_idle;
00389                         }
00390                         if (flag == END_FLAG) {
00391                                 /* that's all folks */
00392                                 recv_state = r_init;
00393                                 return 0;
00394                         }
00396                         /* here we have a token of some kind */
00397                         if (flag & TOKEN_REL) {
00398                                 rx_token += flag & 0x3f;
00399                                 flag >>= 6;
00400                         } else
00401                                 rx_token = read_int(f);
00402                         if (flag & 1) {
00403                                 rx_run = read_byte(f);
00404                                 rx_run += read_byte(f) << 8;
00405                                 recv_state = r_running;
00406                         }
00407                         return -1 - rx_token;
00409                 case r_inflating:
00410                         rx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)dbuf;
00411                         rx_strm.avail_out = CHUNK_SIZE;
00412                         r = inflate(&rx_strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
00413                         n = CHUNK_SIZE - rx_strm.avail_out;
00414                         if (r != Z_OK) {
00415                                 rprintf(FERROR, "inflate returned %d (%d bytes)\n", r, n);
00416                                 exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00417                         }
00418                         if (rx_strm.avail_in == 0)
00419                                 recv_state = r_inflated;
00420                         if (n != 0) {
00421                                 *data = dbuf;
00422                                 return n;
00423                         }
00424                         break;
00426                 case r_running:
00427                         ++rx_token;
00428                         if (--rx_run == 0)
00429                                 recv_state = r_idle;
00430                         return -1 - rx_token;
00431                 }
00432         }
00433 }
00435 /*
00436  * put the data corresponding to a token that we've just returned
00437  * from recv_deflated_token into the decompressor's history buffer.
00438  */
00439 static void see_deflate_token(char *buf, int len)
00440 {
00441         int r, blklen;
00442         unsigned char hdr[5];
00444         rx_strm.avail_in = 0;
00445         blklen = 0;
00446         hdr[0] = 0;
00447         do {
00448                 if (rx_strm.avail_in == 0 && len != 0) {
00449                         if (blklen == 0) {
00450                                 /* Give it a fake stored-block header. */
00451                                 rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)hdr;
00452                                 rx_strm.avail_in = 5;
00453                                 blklen = len;
00454                                 if (blklen > 0xffff)
00455                                         blklen = 0xffff;
00456                                 hdr[1] = blklen;
00457                                 hdr[2] = blklen >> 8;
00458                                 hdr[3] = ~hdr[1];
00459                                 hdr[4] = ~hdr[2];
00460                         } else {
00461                                 rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)buf;
00462                                 rx_strm.avail_in = blklen;
00463                                 len -= blklen;
00464                                 blklen = 0;
00465                         }
00466                 }
00467                 rx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)dbuf;
00468                 rx_strm.avail_out = CHUNK_SIZE;
00469                 r = inflate(&rx_strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
00470                 if (r != Z_OK) {
00471                         rprintf(FERROR, "inflate (token) returned %d\n", r);
00472                         exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
00473                 }
00474         } while (len || rx_strm.avail_out == 0);
00475 }
00477 /**
00478  * Transmit a verbatim buffer of length @p n followed by a token.
00479  * If token == -1 then we have reached EOF 
00480  * If n == 0 then don't send a buffer
00481  */
00482 void send_token(int f,int token,struct map_struct *buf,OFF_T offset,
00483                 int n,int toklen)
00484 {
00485         if (!do_compression) {
00486                 simple_send_token(f,token,buf,offset,n);
00487         } else {
00488                 send_deflated_token(f, token, buf, offset, n, toklen);
00489         }
00490 }
00493 /*
00494  * receive a token or buffer from the other end. If the reurn value is >0 then
00495  * it is a data buffer of that length, and *data will point at the data.
00496  * if the return value is -i then it represents token i-1
00497  * if the return value is 0 then the end has been reached
00498  */
00499 int recv_token(int f,char **data)
00500 {
00501         int tok;
00503         if (!do_compression) {
00504                 tok = simple_recv_token(f,data);
00505         } else {
00506                 tok = recv_deflated_token(f, data);
00507         }
00508         return tok;
00509 }
00511 /*
00512  * look at the data corresponding to a token, if necessary
00513  */
00514 void see_token(char *data, int toklen)
00515 {
00516         if (do_compression)
00517                 see_deflate_token(data, toklen);
00518 }

Generated on Tue Apr 16 12:37:37 2002 for rsync by doxygen1.2.15